Computer History

VENDORS: ABComputers | Computer Mail Order East | WEB International | The Wiz
MAGAZINES: Amiga World | Byte | C Journal | Cursor | Midnite Software Gazette | Power/Play | Run | Timex Sinclair User
NEWSLETTERS: CBM64 Exchange Club | The Jeffries Report | Tidewater Commodore Users Group (TCUG) | Young Peoples' LOGO Association (YPLA)
SOFTWARE: Aardvark | Abacus | Access Software | BrainBank | Electronic Arts | Sierra Online | subLogic | Ventura Publisher
ONLINE: America Online (AOL) | Citibank | Minitel | Prodigy
HARDWARE: Apple | Atari | Commodore | Fairchild | Hewlett-Packard/General Electric
IBM | Odyssey2 | Osborne | RCA | Texas Instruments | Zenith
EPHEMERA: Cassette Tapes | Floppy Disks | Conference Badges



Receipt for my Commodore 64 and my second Vicmodem (I got the first for free when I opened a bank account).


Brochure containing a list of all authorized dealers as of Spring, 1983. (Shown: front/back cover and first two pages of 22 pages total)

User Manuals and Books

Fun facts from the Commodore PET user manual (dig that crazy lettering!):

"The potentials of your PET are virtually limitless"

"The computer software, or operating instructions are contained in a fixed memory. (Called Read-Only-Memory) This allows both the first time user and the sophisticated user to use the PET with impunity."

Impune away!

Front cover


Notes I wrote at the end of the PET user's manual.

Survey from the back of the Commodore PET user's manual (ca. 1980). I retyped it (on a manual typewriter) so I wouldn't have to rip the page out of my manual. For some reason this was preferable to making a photocopy.

I don't remember if I ever sent it in. And I never did figure out how the WAIT statement works.

User's Reference Manual for Commodore BASIC 4.0, and User's Guide for the Commodore Business Computer.

Commodore PET warranty and update to user manual

My dog-eared Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide. This was the bible for programming your Commodore 64.

Front cover

Back cover

Commodore 64 User's Guide

Front cover and several pages from the VICMODEM. Juicy quotes:

"What is 'Electronic Communications'? Very simply, it's the ability to send and receive information over phone lines using your computer."


"As a VICMODEM owner, you're entitled to ONE FREE HOUR of access time on the CompuServe Information Service."

Front cover

Front cover and several pages from the VIC-1541 single drive floppy disk user's manual

Front cover

Adam Osborne's PET/CBM Personal Computer Guide, Second Edition

"If you can read English you can use this book."

Front cover

Back cover


SPECPET: a Commodore PET apparently configured as a Real Time Spectrum Analyzer, by Eventide / the Ken Schaffer Group
Citibank Direct Access diskette for the Commodore 64

VENDORS: ABComputers | Computer Mail Order East | WEB International | The Wiz
MAGAZINES: Amiga World | Byte | C Journal | Cursor | Midnite Software Gazette | Power/Play | Run | Timex Sinclair User
NEWSLETTERS: CBM64 Exchange Club | The Jeffries Report | Tidewater Commodore Users Group (TCUG) | Young Peoples' LOGO Association (YPLA)
SOFTWARE: Aardvark | Abacus | Access Software | BrainBank | Electronic Arts | Sierra Online | subLogic | Ventura Publisher
ONLINE: America Online (AOL) | Citibank | Minitel | Prodigy
HARDWARE: Apple | Atari | Commodore | Fairchild | Hewlett-Packard/General Electric
IBM | Odyssey2 | Osborne | RCA | Texas Instruments | Zenith
EPHEMERA: Cassette Tapes | Floppy Disks | Conference Badges

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Last modified: Tue 20 November 2012 09:13:23