Computer History

VENDORS: ABComputers | Computer Mail Order East | WEB International | The Wiz
MAGAZINES: Amiga World | Byte | C Journal | Cursor | Midnite Software Gazette | Power/Play | Run | Timex Sinclair User
NEWSLETTERS: CBM64 Exchange Club | The Jeffries Report | Tidewater Commodore Users Group (TCUG) | Young Peoples' LOGO Association (YPLA)
SOFTWARE: Aardvark | Abacus | Access Software | BrainBank | Electronic Arts | Sierra Online | subLogic | Ventura Publisher
ONLINE: America Online (AOL) | Citibank | Minitel | Prodigy
HARDWARE: Apple | Atari | Commodore | Fairchild | Hewlett-Packard/General Electric
IBM | Odyssey2 | Osborne | RCA | Texas Instruments | Zenith
EPHEMERA: Cassette Tapes | Floppy Disks | Conference Badges


In the 1980s I wrote dozens of letters to companies asking for more information on their products. Some of them manufactured hardware or wrote software while others were vendors of other companies' products. I kept all the materials they sent me, from catalogs of software to brochures for new products, in a stack which eventually grew to over a foot high with hundreds of sheets of paper.

I've since expanded this online collection to include my related computer ephemera so at this point it's a melange of stuff I either purchased, was sent or given, or otherwise acquired.

Related links:

VENDORS: ABComputers | Computer Mail Order East | WEB International | The Wiz
MAGAZINES: Amiga World | Byte | C Journal | Cursor | Midnite Software Gazette | Power/Play | Run | Timex Sinclair User
NEWSLETTERS: CBM64 Exchange Club | The Jeffries Report | Tidewater Commodore Users Group (TCUG) | Young Peoples' LOGO Association (YPLA)
SOFTWARE: Aardvark | Abacus | Access Software | BrainBank | Electronic Arts | Sierra Online | subLogic | Ventura Publisher
ONLINE: America Online (AOL) | Citibank | Minitel | Prodigy
HARDWARE: Apple | Atari | Commodore | Fairchild | Hewlett-Packard/General Electric
IBM | Odyssey2 | Osborne | RCA | Texas Instruments | Zenith
EPHEMERA: Cassette Tapes | Floppy Disks | Conference Badges

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Last modified: Tue 20 November 2012 09:13:23