Honeybee's Dog Training
Professional dog trainer
This responsive website was created for a professional dog trainer in New York City.
Starlight Movie
Movie production
This responsive website provides more details about the Starlight movie
(Sorry, this website is no longer live)
Palekana House
Live-in treatment center
This responsive website showcases the facilities and staff of a luxury treatment center.
(Sorry, this website is no longer live.)
La Verdadera Destreza
Resources and research materials for Spanish swordsmanship
This responsive website consolidates various research materials for La Verdadera Destreza — the Spanish school of fencing.
Greg Conlon, Vocalist
This website showcases the talents of vocalist Greg Conlon
Features include MP3 samples and videos
This site lets users create and share free, custom chatbots.
A flexible configuration feature lets users fine-tune their bots' algorithms for maximum effect.
(Sorry, this website is no longer live)
Ellen L. Joseph CPA Chartered
CPA services
This CPA wanted a professional website to showcase her CPA and related skills.
South Florida Swing
Resource for Swing/Blues lessons, social dancing, and live music venues and events
This site lets visitors search for bands, venues, and events in the South Florida area.
Easy UI lets visitors search and view results by category, location (map), and date (on a calendar).
Users can register for weekly customized email updates showing certain types of events within a given radius.
Admin control panel allows easy editing of events.
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
Affordable Care Act Reporting and Decision System
This site lets businesses track and forecast their Applicable Large Employer (ALE) status, and prepare and file IRS forms 1094-C/1095-C to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
It features an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows users to upload their employee payroll, W-2 wages, and insurance benefits information in either CSV or Excel format.
Reports allow users to track employee status to determine when the employee is obligated to offer health insurance.
With clean data in hand, an ALE can create fully completed XML manifest and data files ready for uploading to the IRS AIR-UI portal within just minutes.
Sorry, this site is not publicly available. Contact me for a demo.
Seth Kaller, Inc.
Document and artifact collector
This site's custom CMS makes it simple for Seth Kaller, Inc. to organize and present their collection of documents and artifacts to potential customers. A sophisticated search engine lets people search and sort by various criteria (publish date, price, keywords).
- Javascript
- Blog integration
- Integration with AbeBooks
City of Lake Worth, FL
Government site
This site reorganized and gave an updated look to the City of Lake Worth's website. A custom CMS allows City employees to update different sections of the site without knowledge of HTML.
Trapeze School New York Logbook
Sports and fitness
This site lets TSNY students and staff track and make notes on student progress.
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
Data Conversion Utility
This website converts Palm Datebook or To Do data to CSV or iCal/ICS format so you can import it into an external calendar application like Google Calendar, iCalendar, or Outlook
- Javascript
- Unix shell
- Bootstrap
Knights of Columbus
Bishop Lyons Council #9808
Charitable organization
This council of the Knights of Columbus needed an easy way to update their web presence. I worked with a designer to provide them with this solution.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Andria Helm
Opera singer
I designed this website for very talented opera singer and voice instructor Andria Helm.
JAT Graphics
Graphic artist
Jane Aylward designed her site and I programmed it.
Are You the Smartest Fan?
Sports trivia game
This site lets college sports fan fans compete against each other by answering and submitting trivia questions.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Javascript
- Integration with Facebook, Twitter
- Mobile version
Square Off
Math game
This is a recreation of an educational math game I originally wrote for Prodigy.
- Javascript
- jQuery
Juno Beach Pilates
Pilates and yoga studio
I designed and built this website for a local pilates studio.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Palm Beach Classical Fencing
Web site for local fencing school
I built this web site to promote my fencing school. Features include a dynamically-generated calendar which automatically shows the next two calendar months of classes.
City of Winter Garden, FL
Government site
This site gave a fresh look to the City of Winter Garden and enabled them to better organize and present their many services available to residents and visitors.
Lion Heart Autographs
Collector and reseller of autographs and manuscripts
This site overhaul gave Lion Heart Autographs a greatly expanded ability to organize and present their inventory as well as update the static pages on their site with a custom CMS.
Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA)
Industry trade organization
This database-driven web site lets the SFIA automate the process of posting reports and allows their members to post press releases and update their account through a WYSIWIG editor. A powerful search engine lets you search for reports, jobs, press releases, products and companies. An e-commerce feature lets you purchase reports online, and a password-protected, members-only area ensures you can access only the appropriate sections.
- Javascript
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- mailing lists
Central Park Skate Patrol
Inline skate safety organization
I created this web site for the Central Park Skate Patrol to help them publicize their community work. Oh, and I'm not just the webmaster--I'm also a volunteer patroller.
NCComp - North Carolina Workers' Compensation Calculation Program
Legal case preparation tool for lawyers
This site lets lawyers in North Carolina perform calculations related to workers' compensation cases. Subscribers can save their cases and select from a variety of configuration options and built-in date calculators.
Rollerblade Dealer Locator
Manufacturer and distributor of inline skates
I programmed the online dealer locator which lets customers search for dealers by proximity to zip code. On the admin side, staff can create and update the database of dealers.
This implementation uses the Haversine formula to compute distances between two lat/lon pairs.
(Sorry, this site has been rebuilt.)
Tessuta (Logo Pillow company)
Manufacturer and distributor of licensed woven ribbon products
This company wanted a web site to sell their unique product both retail and wholesale. I built a database-driven site that includes a custom shopping cart that integrates with Google Adwords to track ad performance and sales.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Javascript
- Custom shopping cart
- Google Adwords integration
Municipal Art Society of New York (MAS)
Non-profit organization based in New York City
This project consisted of building a custom CMS that allows the MAS staff to publish articles and associated photos, maintain a calendar of events, and lets visitors join MAS online or donate. A WYSIWIG-style editor makes it easy for staff members to enter and format articles without knowing HTML. This new system gives MAS greater control over the formatting and placement of articles and categories than they had with their previous CMS. Articles and events can be written in advance, and scheduled to be published and/or expired automatically in the future.
Northpoint/Southpoint Realty
Web site for real estate developer.
This web site includes a custom CMS that allows the client, a real estate developer that does business in both the northeast and southeast, to update the content on an as-needed basis.
MLS listings and photos are retrieved from a central database and can be searched locally.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Flash, Javascript and DHTML provide an interactive experience that is consistent across common browser platforms. PHP scripts allow customers to send feedback, provide a custom CMS to manage content, and facilitate searching MLS real estate listings.
- Flash
- Javascript
TooJay's Deli
Web site for TooJay's Deli.
This web site provides information about TooJay's Deli, including their full menu, catering, and employment.
Javascript and DHTML provide an interactive experience that is consistent across common browser platforms. Perl scripts allow customers to send feedback and allow potential employees to submit their resume. A custom shopping cart interfaces with Verisign's Payflow payment gateway.
National Croquet Center
Information for croquet players and event planners
This web site contains information for event planners who want to take advantage of the National Croquet Center's facilities, as well as croquet players.
Javascript and DHTML provide an interactive experience that is consistent across common browser platforms.
The members-only bulletin board and searchable member directory let players find similarly-matched opponents and stay in touch with each other. A custom shopping cart provides an e-commerce interface that integrates with the rest of the site.
Palm Beach Gardens
Science and Technology Village
Information about a new research center for potential employees, corporations and residents
This web site provides information about the Science and Technology Village and Scripps Research Center, as well as the surrounding area, to people who will be living and working there and companies that are thinking about relocating to Palm Beach Gardens.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Javascript and DHTML provide an interactive experience that is consistent across common browser platforms.
Pituitary Network Association
Non-profit organization for patients with pituitary tumors and disorders
I managed the development of this project which consisted of converting an existing outdated ASP site to a new design running under PHP.
Xerox Sales Assistant
Guide to printers, copiers, fax and multifunction machines
This online product recommendation guide asks several questions about the type of product you're looking for and makes recommendation based on your answers. You can search with varying criteria and compare the results of each search. Detailed information is available for each product displayed.
- Javascript
- Perl
- easily configurable state machine and product database
Random James Bond
Algorithmically-generated titles, plots and stars for James Bond movies. Vote for your favorites!
- Javascript
- Integration with Facebook, Twitter
Pirate jokes!
Read, laugh, vote, submit your own, and share 'em with your undead friends. ARRRR!
- Javascript
- Integration with Facebook, Twitter
Zombie jokes!
Read, laugh, vote, submit your own, and share 'em with your undead friends. BRAAAINS!
- Javascript
- Integration with Facebook, Twitter
Sports Edge Magazine
Sporting goods industry trade magazine
When this sporting goods industry trade magazine wanted a web site that let them publish their magazine online, they came to me. In addition to letting them publish articles without having to know HTML, they can also update their banner ads with a few clicks of a mouse.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Javascript
- Perl
- password-protected admin area
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- mailing lists
World Choice Travel
Travel services company
I wrote XML-based drivers that talk to third party databases to search for available hotel rooms and make reservations.
I also architected and was the lead programmer for the Partner Support Center, an administrative utility that lets World Choice Travel's affiliate partners manage their privately branded web sites.
I also taught a two-week entry-level Perl course. The syllabus started with basic Perl and ended with object-oriented programming, modules, and database manipulation (DBI/DBD). I gave students daily projects and helped guide them through the process of completing them. The final project involved students teaming up and writing separate modules that were integrated into a complete application.
WCTravel.com partners.wctravel.com
Recruitment Database (RDB)
Database for recruiters to maintain and search for people with different skills
This application was written for a company that brings together people with diverse sets of talent. They wanted an easy way to manage a database of people and their skills. This application lets individuals enter their skills into the database and lets recruiters search for people with varying criteria.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Perl
- Javascript
- search engine
- password-protected administrative area
Computer service and support company
I built this web site to include a large, searchable database of products with links to tech support.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Javascript
- Perl
- fast search engine
- integration with third party chat and virus scan
Rosenthal & Weissman, P.A.
Florida law firm
I worked with an excellent designer to build this stylish web site for a law firm that caters to a diverse group of multilingual and working class clients.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Perl
- Javascript
Reinventing America
Web-based multi-player political game
This web-based game allowed players to join special interest groups and explore the ramifications of reallocating the entire Federal budget. Thousands of players visited the site and the final results were presented to Congress. The game was so successful that we ran another version, Reinventing America II.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- guest book
President '96
Web-based multi-player political game
This web-based multi-player game followed the schedule of the 1996 presidential election and let players support one of several mock candidates. Like the real election, we had an eventual winning President and Vice President (although unfortunately these virtual candidates didn't get to serve in office).
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Financial Institution
NYC investment bank
My NDA precludes me from mentioning their name but I was the project manager and lead programmer on this web site for a NY-based Fortune 500 company that allows research analysts to publish and distribute documents to internal personnel as well as external customers. The application stored documents in a Sybase database and connected with an email and fax server for distribution. I managed a diverse team of programmers who worked remotely and assigned them tasks based on their particular strengths.
Sorry, this web site is not accessible to the public |
URL not available
- Perl
- Sybase
- integration with mail and fax server
- password-protected areas
- session-based access
Support web site for salespeople and customer support staff
I built this intranet for Cablevision to allow their salespeople and customer support staff to easily organize and retrieve the documents they needed, replacing their costly, slow, inefficient paper-based model. Because it would be used concurrently by dozens of staff, it had to be fast and reliable.
Sorry, this web site is not accessible to the public |
URL not available
- Perl
- ultra-fast data retrieval
- password-protected areas
Kim Moser
Kim Moser's web site
I built my own web site, of course. (Would you have expected anything less?)
Alex Hears Me!
Campaign to elect Alex Vizoso Saylor for
West Palm Beach City Commission District 1
I worked with an excellent designer to who created a fresh, unique campaign site that highlighted this candidate's message.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Javascript
- English and Spanish versions
United States Croquet Association (USCA)
U.S. governing body for croquet
I worked with an excellent designer to give the USCA's old web site a new, professional look. Features include the ability for members to log in and search for other members, and a dynamically-built calendar that USCA staff can update themselves with little or no knowledge of HTML.
South Florida Swing Dance Productions (SFSDP)
Swing dance studio in Jensen Beach, FL
I designed and built this site to promote the dance studio's business.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Associated Carrier Services
Telecommunications services company
Great Southern Detective Agency
Local detective agency
I did the HTML for this site which was laid out by a local designer.
Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art (PBICA)
West Palm Beach art gallery
I worked with one of my favorite designers to build this site for a local art gallery that promotes new media.
kmoser.com/pbica/ (Because the museum is closed, this link goes to the version of site that I created.)
Jessica Seigel
Personal web site for freelance writer
With inspiration from a graphic designer as well as the client, I created a template-based web site that could be updated with a minimum of HTML knowledge.
New England Morning
Web site for New England Morning, an album by singer and songwriter duo Darryl Tookes and Joseph Joubert
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Leverage Inc.
Heavy-duty hand trucks
I built the HTML from an artist's mock-ups and graphics.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
New York Self-Help Guide
Online self-help guides for NYC residents
I created this site for the Citizens Committee for New York City to maintain a set of self-help guides for NYC residents. The site can be maintained with very little technical knowledge. Visitors can search for guides by category or keyword, and use the e-commerce feature to purchase hardcopies.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- Perl
- Javascript
- Search engine
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- password-protected administrative area
New Canaan Referendum
New Canaan citizens campaign
This small organization didn't have a big budget--or a lot of time. I designed a simple site that could be updated quickly and easily and gave it a clear, no-nonsense interface with pleasing colors that would best get their point across.
Thanks in part to my web site, they got their message out to enough voters to soundly defeat the opposition. Power to the people!
Tre Mani Sculpting
Sculpture company
I built this web site to showcase the sculptor�s work and include e-commerce for secure online transactions.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- guest book
Western Martial Arts Workshop 2001 (WMAW)
Martial arts convention and workshop
This organization needed a web site to clearly present a three-day venue packed with dozens of events, classes, and instructors, as well as allow participants to register online.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
- shopping cart with e-commerce
Empire Skate Club of New York
Club for inline skating enthusiasts
I built the initial version of this site and helped maintain it for several years. It includes an e-commerce feature to let people pay for memberships and t-shirts.
- shopping cart with e-commerce
Association for Historical Fencing (AHF)
Organization to encourage and preserve the arts of classical and historical fencing
It made sense for me to build the AHF web site since I was one of their first members. The site includes a calendar of events, a newsletter, a password-protected members-only section and an e-commerce feature that lets people join online.
- HTTP authentication
- shopping cart with e-commerce
- password-protected members-only section
Roton Point Association
A local swimming, tennis and sailing association
I created this web site to showcase Roton Point's features and provide information to their members. A password-protected page lets administrators update the content on various pages, and a sophisticated calendar feature automatically updates the program schedule and events calendars with no human interaction required.
- Perl
- password-protected section for administrators
Martinez Academy of Arms
A school of classical fencing
I built this web site for the Martinez Academy of Arms, a school in NYC that teaches classical fencing. Their site has become the prefered method of publicizing their school and reaching out to new students.
New Canaan High School Class of 1977 Reunion
High school reunion
I built this web site for a friend who was organizing his 20th high school reunion party.
Sorry, this site is no longer live
Commuter and freight rail advocacy
This web site is currently under construction.
(Sorry, this site is no longer live)
Palm Beach ReCounty
Election mayhem t-shirts!
Immediately after the Palm Beach County election fiasco a couple of friends and I did this site on a whim. Being located in Palm Beach County further legitimized our online business that created and sold wacky t-shirts all over the world, making fun of the whole spectacle.
- Javascript
- shopping cart with e-commerce
Fun with the phone book
I created this site out of a large list of funny names I had collected years earlier. Features include a search engine, voting, bulletin board and mailing list.
- Perl
- Javascript
- Integration with 3rd party bulletin board and mailing list
A tip of the hat to Humanware
This is a retrospective look at my experience at Humanware, as seen through my emails. The clunky interface mimicks that of the Enhanced Telephone, one of the main projects I worked on.
I wrote a Perl script to parse my email messages and create HTML pages from them. Shoehorning what was essentially freeform text into the unique display format made it a real challenge. I used graphics for the custom character set.
Online tool to measure beats per minute
This jQuery-based page lets you measure beats per minute, e.g. to determine how fast a piece of music is. Additional features include auto-reset after a predetermined time, and smart measuring to determine the most consistent beat.